Brazil is a great potential emerging country, the strides of a blissful future.
The Big shot Bill Gates has just announced that he will more than US$ 500 million to combat various epidemics in developing countries , according to a newly released statement. |
The Ministry of Health resents the public investment policy in the fields of science and technology, especially in the area of research in order to manufacture vaccines to cure AIDS, Ebola, dengue, cholera, and other evils that afflict and threaten to destroy humanity. If President Dilma want the science, technology and common sense will help to overcome these challenges. It is noteworthy that, in a remote time, Brazil found himself plagued by yellow fever. The Brazilian government appealed to the US to make the vaccine. Heard the American president the assertion that, in Brazil lived the most renowned expert in the world. The vaccine to cure yellow fever was made in Brazil by Oswaldo Cruz, who gained notoriety in the four corners of the world. Since then, there have been significant advances in Brazilian science. The laboratories of Federal Universities have become centers for Scientific Research with the latest technology. However, there is a need for massive investments. It is necessary to launch a comprehensive look and see that in Liberia, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, raised the possibility that a whole generation of Africans may be lost due to "economic catastrophe" related to Ebola. In "Open Letter" she made an urgent appeal to all countries to join forces in order to eradicate the disease. Depending on the president, "we all have an interest in the battle against Ebola," because the virus "does not respect borders." Ebola is not only a health crisis. Throughout West Africa, a generation of young people is at risk of being lost by the disaster, he said. To get an idea of the severity of the disease, in the US, the big shot Bill Gates, has just announced that he will donate more than $ 500 million to combat various epidemics in developing countries, according to a newly released statement. For the US billionaire Bill Gates, Ebola is a "call to action." He said the Gates Foundation will dedicate resources in 2015 to reduce the burden of malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea and of a number of parasitic infections. Besides being one of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates, is also a human-human, high know-how that has rendered outstanding service to humanity. IN SPAIN - Teresa Romero nursing assistant, infected with the virus out of Africa no longer has viral load, according to the results of an analysis made by the Spanish government. The test will be repeated to make absolutely sure she's saved from disease. In Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil, broke the news of a person infected with the virus. And if urgent and preventive measures are no longer taken by the Ministry of Health, the catastrophe of the disease may bring explosive consequences of moral and social order. We need to investigate whether these disasters, which kill more than prefabricated wars, are developed in scientific laboratories of the first world countries. Mister is done, today more than ever, that the federal government pass to greatly increase the numbers of investments in the field of scientific research to put Brazil among the first world countries. It is the advancement of science and technology, which determine the degree of education and culture of a nation, that link the level of development of a country. In issue sent for publication in the Forum of DE S. PAULO STATE Readers, BBC NEWS, BBC WORLD SERVICE, THE NEW YORK TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, THE GUARDIAN, LE MONDE, FRANCE SOIR, El País, exactly five months, this reporter was already the Brazilian authorities warnings, especially Pernambuco, in order to take urgent measures on the likelihood of an epidemic happen because of the vulnerability of the public health system is one of the most outdated in the country. By the way, it is not surprising the printed headlines in newspapers around the country and abroad about an epidemic of chikungunya fever in the state. Brazil is a great potential emerging country, the strides of a blissful future, but resents sectoral public policies, regional and national focused entirely on common welfare. And well supported by a public health system first world to meet the real needs of the population of a country-continent, which has surpassed the 200 million inhabitants. José Benigno - is a journalist, professor of foreign languages, academic, political analyst, lecturer - and presently writing: THE AWAKENING OF A GREAT NATION and CRADLE OF FREEDOM, IMMORTAL PIECE OF BRAZIL. And in particular preparation for the Proficiency Test in English Language from the University of Cambridge. Luciene Maria da Silva - is pre-university of Law and Journalism, writes for Diario de Pernambuco Letters section since 2007, is an associate of the columns TODAY POLITICS, CHIC PEOPLE and LEGAL CONNECTION. It is creator of www.pernambuco news and graphic designer of blog material that was accessed in over 70 countries worldwide.
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